R4i Gold 3DS (R4ids.cn): Wood V1.64 + Multimedia Kernel V1.51C R4i Gold Pro (R4i-gold.com/ .me): V1.72 R4i SDHC 2014 (r4isdhc.com): V3.6b R4i-SDHC 3DS (r4i-sdhc.com): V1.80b R4is sdhc (r4issdhc.com): V4.301 Supercard DSTWO (supercard.sc): v1.11 2012 1224 Blue GW3DS/MT-Card: Ace3DS+ AOS V2.13 + GW 6.2 Wood + GW_INSTALL.NDS Ace3DS+ (ace3ds.com): AOS V2.13 CycloDS iEvo (cyclopsds.com): V2.3 + Moonshell 2 Gamecard/ 3DSTT (n3dstt.com): 2013 N3DSTT M3i Zero (m3adapter.com): Dual Boot Kernel with Sakura 1.49 and Touchpod 4.9 R4iTT (r4itt.net): V5.01 English